Junior High-- work and reminders

Friday, March 18, 2011

8th grade To Kill a Mockingbird "chapter by chapter" reading questions

Click on the link below to access questions that should help guide your reading of To Kill a Mockingbird.  After your read each chapter, spend a few minutes and answer two questions from each chapter in your literature notebook or on a sheet of paper. Remember that you need to keep up with your reading and answering of the questions. You will have reading quizzes over each reading section so keep up. Your next quiz over chapters 12 through 21 is on Monday, April 11th.


This link below is for extra discussion and summary material from the same British website. Check it out. There is so much good material here.



PaulinaB said...

1. What does Krauthammer say was the U.S.'s foreign policy under Bush and in Iraq? What Krauthammer says was the US's foreign policy under Bush and in Iraq was Bush's alleged misty eyed idealism.
2. Which does Krauthammer say was the US's foreign policy under Obama?
What Krauthammer says was the US's foreign policy under Obama was the smart power and realism.
4. Dear Mr. Krauthammer,
I don't agree in what you believe. I disagree that the United States should be in Libya and in the middle east because I think the United States should focus on its own issues first instead of another countries.

Katie B. said...

1. Krauthammer basically says that President Bush’s idea of foreign policy is to spread democracy. We went in to the war with Iraq and we as America tried to spread democracy so that their horrible autocracy under Saddam Hussein would come to an end.
2.Krauthammer states that Obama’s foreign policy in the beginning was just like Bush’s and then he didn’t want to do anything. Now he is saying that he wants to spread democracy all of a sudden and Krauthammer does not think that is acceptable.
3. Krauthammer favors Bush’s foreign policy because he thinks that Bush has all ways wanted to spread democracy not like Obama. One example is how the U. S. went to Iraq and got rid of Hussein to spread democracy.
4.Dear Mr. Krauthammer,
I agree with you when you said that we should spread democracy like Bush and like Obama is trying to do. I think it is hard decision if we made to get involved in other countries business. Only time will tell if we made the right decision on spreading democracy and it is kind of good that we got involved because we are trying to do what is right for the other countries.